Crossword genetator

By Somasundaram Meiyappan

This is actually a program that I wrote for a crossword contest held in my department at Anna University as a part of the Vision 2K. Vision is the name of the national technical conference conducted for electronics and communication students from across India. The link above will take you to this year's event.

You can use this program to create a crossword of grid size upto 30x30 cells. It creates an MS-ACCESS database to store the cross word and the clues. You can also print the clues, answers and the grid itself. So, it can be used to run a paper crossword contest. I had another version of the code that can be used to run the crossword show itself. But I do not have that with me now.

This was developed with Microsoft Visual Basic. But unfortunately, I lost the source code for the program.

It was Arun, one of my friends at Anna University who asked me to write this for the show.

Minimum Requirements:
Intel Pentium machines with Windows
5MB of free Hard disk space.

     Size: 3 MB

  This is a freeware and everybody is free to use it.

Click here to download Crossword Generator